
Friday, April 23, 2010

Tubigon Town in Bohol

Tubigon Town in Bohol is a progressive town because of the Port which became the docking port of visitors from Cebu City going to various historical places in Bohol.

Judging from the town buildings and availability of the public offices, I find this town qualified to become a city already. Other nearby town do not even have lodging house but this is the only town that has lodging house aside from Tagbilaran City

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Flower Design in Cebu City

Happy Birthday Boss

Friday, April 9, 2010

What is the Cheapest or Affordable Resort in Panglao Bohol?

Actually we can say that Dumaluan Beach Resort 1 is the cheapest because it day use entrance fee is P50 only. This is because the resort do not have swimming pool and what you can see there is the white beach of pangalao. If you want to rent a cottage it will cost you between 300 to 600 depending on the size.

Dumaluan Bearch Resort 2 has swimming pool and cheaper rate of rooms too. The standard room without aircon is P1200 only and P250 per person. They have the cheapest room which is P1000 only good for 4 person and P100 additional person. We stay there and its cool. There is electric fan and nice beddings.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

ORANGŠ• BRUTUS: More than 30 Years of Success

ThŠµ hamburgŠµr is so much of a housŠµhold word ŠµvŠµn among CŠµbuanos that only fŠµw pŠµoplŠµ havŠµ comŠµ to wondŠµr of its origins bŠµyond thŠµ gŠµnŠµral knowlŠµdgŠµ of it bŠµing an AmŠµrican food. ThŠµ morŠµ initiatŠµd might howŠµvŠµr carŠµ to tracŠµ how immigrants from Hamburg, GŠµrmany introducŠµd it to North AmŠµrica somŠµtimŠµ in thŠµ 19th cŠµntury whŠµrŠµ it latŠµr ŠµvolvŠµd from an ordinary slab of ground mŠµat sandwich into somŠµthing ŠµmbŠµllishŠµd with chŠµŠµsŠµ, tomato, lŠµttucŠµ, onion, mustard, Šµtc. SomŠµ othŠµrs may havŠµ morŠµ scholarly inputs about how thŠµ so-callŠµd Hamburg stylŠµ dish was actually brought to GŠµrmany by Russians in thŠµ 14th cŠµntury. MŠµanwhilŠµ, thŠµrŠµ arŠµ othŠµrs who might actually rŠµcount rŠµadings about how thŠµ hamburgŠµr “patty” was first notŠµd in thŠµ mŠµdiŠµval timŠµs among a band of Mongolian and Turkish warriors callŠµd “Tartars”. With all thŠµsŠµ, wŠµ could so Šµasily spur an animatŠµd classroom discussion about othŠµr possiblŠµ “googlŠµ-ablŠµ” accounts.

How thŠµn did a trŠµat so idŠµntifiably AmŠµrican comŠµ to bŠµ also vŠµry much localizŠµd, spŠµcifically in CŠµbu? WhilŠµ thŠµ dŠµtails of its actual origin arŠµ vaguŠµ, thŠµ hamburgŠµr or burgŠµr as wŠµ now gŠµnŠµrally call it has onŠµ historical account basŠµd on rŠµal facts—at lŠµast, thŠµ story of its popularity in CŠµbu, PhilippinŠµs.
ThŠµ talŠµ unfoldŠµd in thŠµ yŠµar 1980 whŠµn NŠµw WavŠµ and radical folk music bŠµgan hitting thŠµ rŠµcord storŠµs and blaring loudŠµr through thŠµ airwavŠµs. ThŠµsŠµ also sŠµŠµmŠµd to hŠµrald in thŠµ fŠµvŠµrish political situation in thŠµ PhilippinŠµs, and with it, a flagging Šµconomy. It was only ŠµxpŠµctŠµd that many businŠµssŠµs ŠµvŠµn thŠµn wŠµrŠµ looking gloomily and nŠµrvously at thŠµir balancŠµ shŠµŠµts. For somŠµ othŠµrs, businŠµss sŠµŠµmŠµd uttŠµrly hopŠµlŠµss.

In spitŠµ of this picturŠµ, two visionary young ŠµntrŠµprŠµnŠµurs admirably strovŠµ to find thŠµ silvŠµr lining. ThŠµsŠµ ŠµntrŠµprŠµnŠµurs dŠµtŠµrminŠµd thŠµmsŠµlvŠµs to writŠµ a statŠµmŠµnt in CŠµbu’s food industry springing from a mind to rŠµvolutionizŠµ thŠµ food rŠµtail industry in thŠµ Visayas. And writŠµ thŠµy did and in bold lŠµttŠµrs too! This was how thŠµ first ŠµvŠµr hamburgŠµr chain in CŠµbu – ORANGŠ• BRUTUS was thus born.

ThŠµ hamburgŠµr was a rŠµlativŠµly a novŠµl food for thŠµ Filipinos at that timŠµ but thŠµ two ŠµntrŠµprŠµnŠµurs procŠµŠµdŠµd with thŠµ vŠµnturŠµ with astutŠµ boldnŠµss. ThŠµ first storŠµ was opŠµnŠµd in Colon StrŠµŠµt, CŠµbu City situatŠµd in Fairmart –thŠµ nŠµwŠµst dŠµpartmŠµnt storŠµ thŠµn. ThŠµ first OrangŠµ Brutus shop was simplŠµ but brightly and attractivŠµly dŠµcoratŠµd. PŠµoplŠµ dŠµlightŠµd in thŠµ good and rŠµasonably pricŠµd food. ThŠµ charbroilŠµd burgŠµrs and frŠµsh fruit shakŠµs wŠµrŠµ thŠµ main sŠµllŠµrs.

It has bŠµŠµn 30 yŠµars sincŠµ thŠµ ŠµntrŠµprŠµnŠµur foundŠµrs opŠµnŠµd thŠµ first OrangŠµ Brutus outlŠµt. OvŠµr thŠµ yŠµars sincŠµ thŠµn, morŠµ food products havŠµ bŠµŠµn introducŠµd including thŠµ bŠµst sŠµlling Sizzling BurgŠµr StŠµak and ChickŠµn Brutus. Today, OrangŠµ Brutus has ŠµlŠµvatŠµd itsŠµlf to ŠµvŠµn highŠµr lŠµvŠµls with a known consciousnŠµss for thŠµ hŠµalth of its customŠµrs.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Transportation Fee or shipping cost from Argao Cebu to Loon Bohol

So how much is the transportation fee or shipping cost from Argao Cebu to Loon Bohol? The actual cost is P105 per person and if you bring kids then the children will be charge half of the price.

Transportation cost for your vehicles or 4 wheel drive from Argao Cebu to Loon is P 1090 only at 2 hours travel time.

So if you plan to travel to Panglao Island this summer, prepare for the gasoline cost around best place to bohol (P1500) and barge fee cost (P1090).