Philippines Life Insurance Company in SM Cebu is stopping unsuspecting SM Goers by offering free raffle which is a chance of winning car or travel opportunities. You can only get the raffle if you play the game as what they claim. Then if you agree they will tell you that it will only take 45 minutes (which took me 3 hours until SM Close).
Actually they are using the raffle for free as a their front to get you bring in their office and when you are there they will discuss and offer you so much opportunities to buy insurance policy which is worth P300,000+. They will get your ATM and ask you to enter the pin number by telling that checking if you really qualify. The truth is that this checking will result to auto deduction of the initial payment to policy.
Now if you disagree with the process since they want you to decide right away to invest in their policy that day then they will get you to pay at the lowest amount. To my tired and hungry stomach i just pay P1000 so we can go home believing that we can get the free health benefits which is dental service, cleaning and extraction. When we ask for the copy of the verbal agreement they say it will be send through mails this March26, 2011. Yet we are already paid and they do not want to give the agreement right away. They are now claiming that is for reservation.
Searching for the internet, ABS CBN courtesy of XXX already have study on this SCAM Marketing strategies and they already brought this to Philippines Insurance Agency. The Agency said they are legitimate company but the manner of their marketing is known as
Deceptive marketing
The video of ABS CBN is here
Right now they get my P1000 without the copy of agreement.
here are the links to the scam strategy
This type of tactic is common in the Philippines and not just on insurance. What about those Condos with a guaranteed P50,000 a month income from renting it out yet you can't find the sales person after the deal is closed. Because its verbal they will just keep trying to squeeze money out of you because they know your missing the P1,000 and will now try and get you to spend more as you have now "confirmed a reservation" even though they are lying to you. Learn to be rude and ignore them completely.. Someone approaches you with a gift without a doubt its because they are dangling the carrot to close a much bigger deal and none of its to the general publics benefit.
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