To Create Good Connection Focus On The Positive And Replicate It Often
Recently I thought back to my own experiences as a youthful athlete. What really stood out for me was not my trainer, but my mom constantly saying, “You can do anything you want if you place your mind to it. I believe within you.” I can still hear the girl voice in my head.
Was my mom a perfect parent? Definitely not, but she put a large amount of energy into teaching myself that one big lesson. I encourage you to have styles or statements to motivate your athletes that you repeat over and over to your athletes that are empowering and they will remember the most their lives.
Here’s a few examples, “The invariably winners in life think constantly with regards to I can, I will, and I am.” ~ Dennis Waitley
“Success isn’t something which just happens - good results is learned, success can be practiced and then it is discussed.“ ~ Sparky Anderson
You could also create a vision or perhaps theme as a team. At a crew meeting have your players brainstorm
- a list of statements. Here’s some ideas for such a meeting:
- the. Get specific as to what each athlete would like to hear after they struggle to be engaged in practice or even, when they lose or create a big mistake.
- b. Point out the similarities and variances so everyone understands that each athlete is unique and receives motivated in different ways.
- c. Give copies to the team and also parents so everyone can make use of and support these statements often.
- d. Set up a general theme to always end procedures and competitions by sharing what they learned or liked about their performance (e.h., “I liked how I got off at the beginning of the race”), NOT what they thought or desired they do better (e.g., “I dropped back again too early).
The main take away position is to be consistent with a positive message like “You can figure anything at all out”. Repeat that message as well as theme to your athletes normally as possible.
Studies show coaches utilizing “positive coaching” techniques like this are better well-liked by their athletes and these athletes exhibit higher levels of inspiration, more satisfaction with their teammates and season.
You are going to make mistakes as being a coach. Accept that and get lets start work on the job of preparing your athletes for the game of living by always bringing your current guidance back to the powerful, positive messages that you stand for.
When your athletes reflect that statement or value back in their own words or steps make it a point to NOTICE it. Inform them how proud you are and how great that makes you feel in order to witness them living which value.
Kids can discover the habit of focusing on the beneficial and you are just the person to indicate them how to do it.
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